Indicii de căutare
How to find any value in any field:
Empty search box returns all records in the database.
How to find documents in a particular collection:
Click on a link below the search box to see and select
subcollections such as Preprints or Theses, or select/deselect
the tick boxes next to a particular collection before doing the
If you want documents from a 'collection' not proposed by default,
such as NA60 documents, then enter it as a search term.
How to search for words/phrases (within titles, abstracts, etc):
Return records containing words higgs and
Return records containing phrase 'higgs boson' in
Return records entitled exactly "Higgs boson" but not
records such as "Overview of Higgs boson
(Note: For some indexes such as any
field, title, or abstract, there is no
distinction between searching for double quoted and single quoted
expressions. Both behave the same usual way.)
How to use truncation:
Return records containing words muon, muons,
muonic, etc.
How to use boolean operators:
Return records containing both muon and kaon.
Return records containing either muon or kaon.
Return records containing muon but not kaon.
How to use parentheses:
Return records containing either gravity or supergravity,
and ellis or perelstein. Nested parentheses are supported.
How to find documents from a certain period:
Type 2003 and select the an field.
Alternatively, type 'an:' followed by value.
You can enter specific year range.
How to search inside citation network:
Return papers that are cited between 3 and 30 times.
Return all papers that cite any of the papers written
by ellis. Useful for citation alerts.
Return all papers that are cited by any of the papers written
by ellis.
How to search for authors:
Some authors have unique names and their publications can be
retrieved by searching for the surname in the
orice câmp field.
For better results, type surname comma initial(s) and select the
autor field.
Sometimes authors are indexed with their full name.
Find papers by J.Ellis written from 1990 until 1993, using
truncation to match all first names beginning with J.
More information:
Special characters, regular expressions, fulltext searching,
citation searching, and other capabilities are fully explained in
the complete